Saturday, August 8, 2015

100 Poems in 100 Days: Remake

So, I've failed to keep up with the poem a day exercise. I consider it a great failure, but what drew me away was a poem in particular that I was working on. It started out as a sonnet, but I found having not paid enough attention, there were too many lines. I decided not to remove any, but instead to rework the poem. I'm not finished with it, as there are lines that surely need work. However, consider this the reboot of 100 Poems in 100 Days.

1) I dare not ask for nopareil unearned,

I dare not ask for nonpareil unearned,
nor perfumed sniffle of thine dew filled love
for I do not attract thy glance encharmed
as thy burning want through the sky above.

Yet as I lay my sunlit life for sleep
and dream thy weary petals flit 'pon my chest,
though blond assassin makes her vinelike creep
i proffer comfort beside my rest

When after morning heralds red for dawn
alone I marvel at the doting star
with rays shining a gleam 'pon everyone
to share content that on this world thou are.

I beg of thee bloom, resplendent flower,
not as Ego merely would have for me,
but as the beacon sits atop her tow'r
calling forth masted moths about the sea.

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