Saturday, August 8, 2015

100 Poems in 100 Days: Remake

So, I've failed to keep up with the poem a day exercise. I consider it a great failure, but what drew me away was a poem in particular that I was working on. It started out as a sonnet, but I found having not paid enough attention, there were too many lines. I decided not to remove any, but instead to rework the poem. I'm not finished with it, as there are lines that surely need work. However, consider this the reboot of 100 Poems in 100 Days.

1) I dare not ask for nopareil unearned,

I dare not ask for nonpareil unearned,
nor perfumed sniffle of thine dew filled love
for I do not attract thy glance encharmed
as thy burning want through the sky above.

Yet as I lay my sunlit life for sleep
and dream thy weary petals flit 'pon my chest,
though blond assassin makes her vinelike creep
i proffer comfort beside my rest

When after morning heralds red for dawn
alone I marvel at the doting star
with rays shining a gleam 'pon everyone
to share content that on this world thou are.

I beg of thee bloom, resplendent flower,
not as Ego merely would have for me,
but as the beacon sits atop her tow'r
calling forth masted moths about the sea.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 18


July 2nd, 2015  18) Patient

be patient
repeated becomes advice
that lacks conviction
for what is more patient than the 
idling tree, who still shivers and shakes
at the wind in its leaves

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 17 (Let the Rhyming Begin)

July 1st, 2015  17) Executioner 

Erect, with stubborn pride and head held high
for a heartless, faithless executioner
to jerk back once or twice with violence
so on the vine the squirting cucumber

may spray its life, its soggy seed
upon the ground and hang there limp
for when it comes to love you'd rather
pay a lazy gardener who knows only how to skimp!

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 16

June 30th, 2015  16) Disfigurment

There is a type wherein
nothing is wrong. Everything
is as should be, yet
the connection between
eyes and mind is intruded
upon by the words of others
teaching that we are not as
we should be. Ugly, like many 
words today, is misused by
less educated students who
wish to fit in rather than
know how to change. This type
of disfigurement perverses the
definition of what people should 
be and leaves the world skewered,
skewed, unhappy. That word, too,
is disfigured by two letters at
the beginning making what is, not.

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 15


June 29th, 2015  15) Ephemeral

Happiness when clutched smotheringly 
to the bosom seems to bloom and wither
in the beat of a birdly wing

and looses its value. Uncherished,  as though
food has lost its purpose once past the pallet
giving nothing of nutrition but all the

discomfort of indigestion. The ruler looks
long when held parallel to the eye
but withers to a sliver when shifted

to perpendicular. So is time a matter
of perspective changing what is 
ephemeral to eternal and back

by refusing to move on.

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 14

June 28th, 2015   14) Beggar

Woeful you sit upon haunches
as if meaning to pounce
when her form presents itself

naked from the inside for
there is no sparkle in her eye
or water left inside your cup

nothing is what you have
and you wish to give it all
to an empty hole

in hopes that filling it
will give you what you seek
treasure burrows underneath

and must be unearthed
through dirty work
yet you yearn to beg

Saturday, June 27, 2015

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 13


June 27th, 2015  13) Two Wrongs

it was dark
but you saw me

hiding some
accursed cadaver
while I was

to be your 
contractual escape
now banished

as the hunchback to
the bells
all for

a difficult situation

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 12


June 26th, 2015  12) Squint

the projection out of focus
though functionally absurd
may seem unhappy

but gladness is found
stitched in chromosomal song

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 11


June 25th, 2015  11) Untitled

the thick distance mutes your charm
growing as barnacles on the morsel ship

what perversity is this?

to meet you would be slippery
when I could not survive the fall

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 10

Image result for images of heatstroke 
June 24th, 2015  10) Heatstroke
I love you, in some heatstroke way
but you view me ill, quarentined
in celestial emotion
orb crushing sphere
embrace becomes murder
so I ask you to live long

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 9


June 23rd, 2015  9) Electron

bipolar, obsessed 
spinning from one atom
to another

destroying bonds as quickly as formed
faithless to those you come with

your arrival is deliverence,

your departure is torment,

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 8

June 22nd, 2015  8) Ambition

The throat is ambitious with dreams of swallowing,
while determine to retch up what isn't working

yet finds itself powerless, even gutless
in being airtight, choking

the activities society leaves for freaks

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 7

June 21st, 2015   7) Atonement
Peaches rotting in the fruit bowl
await atonement for the conquest 
of their rival
existence is spreading of seed
but requires consumption
in nature there is no foregiveness

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 6


June 20th 2015  6) Predator

The weekend makes for a poor caregiver
looking for parties, friends, concerts,

liquor, drugs, sex
which leaves carelessness on the
hollow brim

of the zero fucks given

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 5


June 19th, 2015 5)Lovesick

Oftentimes a heart becomes the knife's sheath
mistakenly the shelter for the crime

in this intimate hangover the body
retches all good feelings
holding tightly to the hilt

when the backwards assassin
rips forth the blade from its sheath
steel's reflection is freed

but you must first let go

Friday, June 19, 2015

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 4


June 18th, 2015

4) Spin

 Your red hair may as well be Mars
playfully turning on tiptoes
the prima ballerina following one fouette
with another as the spotlight calls for more

I have seen a photograph,
but a picture is worth a thousand wants
spinning and spinning in the blackness of
my dreams

those that chatter whilst I work
and those that play amongst my snores

you have so much in common with my nightly howls,
how you both are so real while I sleep
though I have never heard either with
my ears

please say my name, so that I may know
truly how to pronounce it

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 3


June 17th, 2015

3) Sun

Be combustible young man
fire walks hand in hand a gentleman
showing off light
heads turn becoming ambient

insanity slips between the ribs
searching for the cage's safety

on this world nothing is free
only willing

100 Poems in 100 Days Part 2

June 16th, 2015

2) Villain

There is audacity in every
scale draped upon the chameleon

a tincture of ambition
bleak protestation

alphabetically speaking 
A and Z are seated furthest apart
though both are three lines

"you would like me
if you were more like me"

mirrors reflect
it is the eye lying to the mind 
that distorts

perception is never observation
but judgment

heros steal freedom from villains
while draped in scales of justice
and thus are thieves cheered by the masses

a hero by any other name
is not

When You're Stuck, Get the Glue

In terms of writing, I've been stunted for some time. As a result, I have issued myself a challenge to write 100 poems in 100 days. I think this is a terrible idea, as quantity comes at the cost of quality. Still, I figure doing will lead to learning. If I can come up with one good idea in the next 100 days to elaborate on, then all the better. Since picking words is a difficulty, I am beginning this exercise by using the random word generator at  textfixer.

Here is the first work from June 15th.

1) Oh, You

There is no coincidence
in a bottle of wine,
empty as the pesky o in love,
or your lonesome grin,
for hoping to find u
in hug without consequence